Free jack daniels style font

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This exploration, going back to 1875, took several weeks, during which we were able to compile historic data and visual references into a report which we then presented to the client. Rounding out the set is slightly distressed san-serif called Jack Daniels Condensed Bold.įor Jack Daniel’s, the leading brand of American whiskey worldwide, our design team was first hired to research the origins of the typography used in the early days of the company: Jack Daniel's Distillery. Rounding out the set is the solid, industrious typeface named for Lem Motlow, the nephew of Jack Daniel who managed and later inherited the Distillery. The real visual centerpiece, though, is the refined yet approachable Lynchburg Script, based on the Tennessee lettering in the label. Top and center is the Jasper font, based on the familiar Jack Daniel's logo lettering (and bearing Jack Daniel's given first name). For the project, the four prominent lettering styles from the famous Black Label (c.1904) were developed into complete fonts. A custom series of fonts via Arnold for Jack Daniel's Distillery.

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